Psychic Automatism

 In this collection, color is a tool used by the subconscious mind to demonstrate the journey of discovery in self reflection. To create a psychic automatism painting, the artist must surrender to their humanistic impulses and build upon those steady foundations using curiosity to better understand the nature of their life. In other words, the style is central to the artist’s way of processing thoughts and developing ideas.The process of creating can be compared to the same instinct trees possess as they grow and create leaves. The artist connects to intuition   and refrains from pre-planning the execution of the piece. The point is to strengthen the bond between us and our internal truths that, while unique in development, remain a core part of human life in nature. It is important to connect with this raw foundation because it is both powerful and honest when bringing people together. A world overly saturated with information is distracted by division; creating chaos and mistrust. This series is like a collection of diary entries, marking the different life engagements, emotional processing, and the eventual development of philosophy. The final piece is a connection the artist made with their part in human nature.



This collection is inspired by the influence of music on the subconscious mind. The style is central to the artist’s unique way of processing sound. Synesthesia is a neurological function of the brain that fuses two senses together. For this artist, sounds will automatically generate specific colors and form created by her subconscious mind. The frequency, pitch, volume, intensity, all influence the color behavior similar to how it provokes feelings and emotions. The artist will listen to a song on loop to capture the sounds and essence while layering the color forms based on how those sounds interact with each other. The artist refrains from pre-planning the execution of the piece in order to strengthen the bond between the artist and their raw intuition. There is beauty in allowing the mind space to create and the more freedom it has, the more vivid the colors.