Artist Bio

I’m Skyris Jorgensen, a self-taught contemporary artist residing in Puerto Rico, originally from Arizona. My style of work is directed by a subconscious state of mind used to deepen my understanding of human’s connection with nature and to discover the philosophical truths that stem from there.

Growing up, I was fortunate enough to experience many art mediums, including theater, dance, sculpting, drawing, painting, and piano. In 2018, painting became my main source for creative freedom and expression. I needed an outlet from the confined spaces of the corporate world and I welcomed the meditative state of mind I experienced while painting. I used it for story telling, emotional processing, and self reflection.

As my passion grew over time, my style developed in its own unique way. Painting became essential in order to live a more fulfilling life by allowing me a personal avenue to express and process ideas. This turning point highlighted the potential my life could have, so I decided to overcome my fears and pursue those opportunities.

In 2021, my husband and I quit our jobs, packed six suitcases, moved to Puerto Rico and began a new life, assuming the new identity as a full-time working artist. My only job now is to create and I’ve treated my time here as an endless artist residency; challenging my subconscious mind with different inputs to process on canvas. As long as I can keep creating, I can live a life full of curiosity and discovery.